A fully blown voicemail system
Every Extension includes a Voice Mail Box along with a Global Voicemail Box that can be configured for Departments.
Signup Now See PricingEvery Extension includes a Voice Mail Box along with a Global Voicemail Box that can be configured for Departments.
Signup Now See PricingFonezela includes a fully blown voicemail system. Features of the voicemail system includes
Every extension includes a voicemail. These voicemails can be accessed only the extension’s owner.
Create global voicemail boxes for various departments. These voicemails can be accessed by pre-configured users.
Voicemail can be sent as email with voice mail attached.
Easily add / remove / enable / disable Voicemail.
Custom greetings can be configured for every voicemail.
Voicemail can be accessed by dialing the hot key (*1 for extension voicemails and *3 for global voicemail).